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EEtility Co-Founder Wins ACEEE 2018 Champions of Energy Efficiency Award

ACEEE 2018 Champion of Energy Efficiency In Buildings Award Winners

ACEEE presented three Champion of Energy Efficiency awards last night at its 20th biennial Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. The awards recognize leadership and accomplishment in the energy efficiency field. Winners demonstrate excellence in research and development, energy policy, implementation and deployment, buildings leadership, or lifetime achievement. The 2018 winners are:

Tammy Agard: For her leadership of EEtility’s work to expand the access of energy efficiency financing to underserved populations and to alleviate the burden of energy costs for rural communities. She helped ensure EEtility’s successful delivery of a more inclusive Pay-As-You-Save program model for utility partners.

Richard Cowart: For his work furthering energy efficiency at the Vermont Public Service Board, Regulatory Assistance Project (in the US and Europe), Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and NARUC. He helped to establish the first energy efficiency utility and to make efficiency a central part of RGGI.

Danny Parker:  For his systematic examination of building energy through more than 35 years of laboratory, field, and simulation studies and for his development of new home products and deep retrofits. His work is documented in more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and has received 2,500 citations.

An ACEEE Board of Directors’ committee selected the winners, nominated by their peers, from an impressive group of nominations. The judges evaluated each nominee’s impact, innovation, and leadership in the energy efficiency field.


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